Funny pictures collection of different kind of images for you to entertainment. All of these pictures are very rare on the internet. These are very funny and marvelous images collection. These funny and cute pictures collection are collected from different sources just for you to kill some time and enjoy these funny type of images collection.
This time, we'll show you what a good time before an epic failure seems: the second just before falling into a pool before being hit by a bullet in the face or at the exact moment when someone realizes that try to jump off a swing was not a good idea at all.
We believe that some of the images below are totally fun, share with us your favorites, or even better if you have a photo relevant to the topic right after the link in the comments.
People have become so obsessed with Facebook and show pictures in there that would seem anything to get the most likes and comments on them. His daughter as scouts desire to sell the maximum number of cookies.
This obsession is not limited to Facebook to post pictures, but also other random images to share on Facebook. The result is a flagrant abuse of Photoshop. The photos below are hilarious examples.
All we're trying to say is that it would not hurt to learn at least some basics of the software if the need is endless. Just a suggestion, of course, what with determination and the right to freedom and all

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