Nothing is useless in this world see how peoples make use of things in this videos with coke empty bottle. Peoples are awesome and make use of every thing in this world. You will surely stunned to see this type of video that how peoples generate ideas to reuse of used item for daily use.
SETM is an international seminar once a year developing the concept and managing the Policymakers eco-city and the technical experts in the field of environmental management in the areas of industrial areas in developing countries.
The main objective of this seminar is to learn models of the Kitakyushu Eco-Town to initiate policies that favor the formation of eco-city and take lessons from the implementation of waste recycling and integrated waste management.
I am able to participate in this event because of the recommendation Toshizo Maeda, principal investigator of the policy-KUC IGES (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies - Urban Kitakyushu Center) and authorized by Junichi Sono, Deputy Director of the Asian Centre Kitakyushu Society under carbon organized this event.
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